between his legs and back as best he could, then pulled the stretchy fabric back unto position and rechecked the image. The box's illustration and his groin now almost matched.

Chris felt that both pair of slacks, in their brilliant green and red-orange, were far too flamboyant for his taste, but he seemed stuck with them. So he pushed his legs into the red pair There were no then put his frilly shirt back on. rear pockets and only a single tiny slitted pocket in the front just below the waistline.


always carried his wallet, but there was nowhere for it in these pants. The only item he ever really needed to carry at all times was his room Key and that was about all that would fit in that little pouch. The ID cards and money he always had in his wallet were never needed so why carry them?

He suddenly noticed the time and instantly decided to go to dinner as he was, still wearing the girdle and red slacks. 'Might as well jump into this with both feet,' he told his reflection. He Rucked his room key in the little place where it fit and went to eat.

As he left the line with his tray he saw Tracy waving at him. She was one of the gals in Mary's tennis group and had always been pleasant toward him. "Come over here," she invited as she caught his eye. Chris, somewhat selfconsciously, joined



"You look just great," she gushed. slacks fit you beautifully. You know, Chrissy, Chris you're really starting to fit in here." blushed but inwardly he felt a warm glow of satisfaction that this pretty woman was treating him as a real person instead of a plague.

Morning coffee break invariably included Mary's excellent brew. Chris offered to include the coffee in his normal daily routine or at least share in the chore. But Mary said, "No, you have

enough to do. I make the coffee. All you have to do is drink and enjoy it. Just consider it my way of showing my appreciation for the excellent job you're doing here."

And that was that! The quarter hour was always relaxing and enjoyable. Mary knew a lot about Chris's favorite subjects, like sports, movies, or contemporary events, and their conversations were always pleasant and relaxed. Quickly, their coffee breaks were a major event in Chris's normally mundane work days.

one of

The next day, after supper, they scheduled a tennis match with Mary and Chris paired off against Tracy and Caroline. Chris tried on his new light-weight panty girdles then stepped into the short-shorts Judy had provided. The girdle did a passable job of hiding his offending anatomy and was shorter in the waist than the others, coming just above his hips. But the shorts were very tight and barely covered the girdle. A knit pullover, long white socks and tennis sneakers completed the outfit. He felt an odd chill along with the tight constriction of the high-cut legs. Then when he arrived at the court, all three girls complimented him on his nice legs and that caused another odd chill as Chris accepted their comments.

Chris was probably the poorest player of the foursome, lacking the accuracy of the others, and making it worse by trying to overpower his shots. The match was still fun, and close, thanks to Mary's excellent game. Afterward they had refreshments at the snack bar. Chris overheard Caroline's whispered comment about how Chris's appearance had improved over the last few days. He thought he should have been embarrassed but he was proud, appreciative of their companionship, and amazed that such a small change in his attire could make so much difference in the way these